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Bovine ketosis is one of the most serious diseases that affect dairy cows.

After parturition, cows need special care and feed to compensate for the energy lost in milk production.

Let's address all that's to know about bovine ketosis through this article.

This article includes:

  • What's bovine ketosis?
  • Causes of bovine Ketosis.
  • Pathogenesis of bovine ketosis (bovine hypoglycemia).
  • The predisposing factors of Ketosis.
  • Clinical signs of bovine hypoglycemia
  • Diagnosis of bovine ketosis.
  • How to perfectly treat bovine ketosis?
  •  What's bovine ketosis (hypoglycemia)?

It's a production disease associated with a metabolic disorder of carbohydrates causing the production of Ketone bodies (acetone / beta-hydroxybutyric acid / aceto- acetic acid) so, it can be called acetonemia.

It is also called bovine pregnancy Toxemia, as it is related to pregnancy and environmental conditions of pregnancy.

In cattle, it's associated with lactation as the disease can be observed after the first month of milking (lactation), So it is called dairy cow disease which is mainly characterized by negative energy balance.

It can affect both dairy cows and heavy producer buffalo.

This disease can cause major economic losses, not due to death only, but also due, As animals that have responded to the treatment cannot return to full production again.

Causes of bovine Ketosis 

Bovine ketosis may be primary or secondary


 Primary ketosis

In this case, decreasing the glucose level leads to the negative energy balance

Ingestion of modern agriculture rations such as silage, concentrations feeding as there was a wrong thought that ingestion of high protein ration leads to increase the milk production.

Although, milk production needs a high carbohydrate ratio.

Secondary Ketosis:


In this case, ketosis course as a result to:

  • Starvation.

  • abomasal displacement.

  • Metritis.

  • Traumatic pericarditis.

  • Vagus indigestion.

  • Pathogenesis of bovine ketosis (bovine hypoglycemia)

To perfectly recognize the pathogenesis of ketosis, we should focus on the role of the normal carbohydrates' metabolism in milk production, including:

  • Normal Carbohydrates' metabolism converts the carbohydrates into ketogenic acids and glycogenic acids by ratio 4:1 respectively.

  • By the action of microflora, the ketogenic acids (acetic acid and butyric acid) convert into active acetate.

  • Also, the glycogenic acids, including propionic acid, convert into oxaloacetate by microflora then into glucose.

  • Active acetate reacts with glucose, resulting in Carbon dioxide, water, and energy required for milk production.

So, the pathogenic case occurs due to abnormal Kreb's cycle with ingestion of high protein ration.

  • Modern agriculture (high protein rations) led to changing of ratio and become 8 Ketogenic acid: 1 glycogenic acid due to the abnormal conversion of oxal-acetate To lactose (not glucose), and so negative energy balance.

  • Normal cows need 1225 gm of glucose To produce 20-27 L. milk, so any deviation in glucose resource can lead to:

 Conversion of active acetate To ketone bodies, and condensation of oxaloacetate into fat.


The predisposing factors of Ketosis

They are some factors that provide a good chance for bovine ketosis incidence, including: 

  • Deficiency of some nutritional elements such as Cobalt, phosphorus, and vit B₁₂  cause decreasing the ruminal microflora leading to abnormal Kreb's cycle.

  • Hormonal effect as in starvation, the adrenal gland is highly affected causing hyperglycemia, so any dysfunction of the adrenal gland as a result of parturition or lactation disorder leads to Ketosis.

  • Thyroid deficiency (hypothyroidism)

Low thyroxine levels cause low metabolic rate, and so low energy, leading to ketosis.

Clinical signs of bovine ketosis

The clinical signs include the main two forms of the disease (Digestive Form and Nervous form).

  •  Digestive form of bovine hypoglycemia 

This form is characterized by obvious clinical signs, including:

  • Loss of appetite.

  • Cows may be starved and appear woody (due to depletion of the subcutaneous fats), emaciated due to consumption of fat, protein, and carbohydrates.

  •  Normal body temperature.

  •  Constipation due to ruminal atony followed by ruminal Stasis causing dry and firm feces.

  • Slight excitation of the cow.

  • Nervous form of bovine hypoglycemia

This form appears as a result of abnormal metabolism that converts the accumulated acetic acid to isopropyl alcohol, which is responsible for the nervous signs of bovine ketosis, including:

  • Slugging movement (gait).

  • Blindness.

  • Cross the limbs.

  • Hit his head on Solid abject.

  • The wondering appearance followed by fall down and die.

In addition to the digestive and nervous signs, There is cystitis and urinary system affection due to the presence of acetone and Beta-hydroxy butyric acid in urine.

In this case, the cow shows:

  •  Curved (arched) back.

  •  Dropped urine. 

Diagnosis of bovine ketosis

The bovine ketosis (hypoglycemia)can be diagnosed through:

  • Case history.

  • Clinical signs.

  • Smelling acetone odor of mouth except in nervous form.

  • Lab diagnosis.

  • Detect Ketone bodies in blood, milk, urine by using Rather's test (The positive result is the formation of the violet ring). This Test is a qualitative, quantitative test.

  • Measure The glucose level in the blood (less than 40 mg/dl).

  • Differential diagnosis of bovine ketosis.

Digestive Form:

This form of bovine ketosis should be differentiated from:

  • Traumatic pericarditis

It causes secondary ketosis, but it is characterized by:

  • True pulsation of the jugular vein.

  • Engorgement of capillary of the eye.

  • abomasal displacement :

It causes secondary ketosis, but it's characterized by a tinkling sound in the lower left part of the abdomen.

Nervous form:

This form should be differentiated from

  • Lead poisoning is mainly characterized by blindness and convulsions.

Its main sign includes circling movement around itself.

  • Frenzy is like the appearance of Rabies, which is mainly characterized by ascending paralysis.

  • Cobalt deficiency disease

This disease is characterized by a very thin and weak cow.

How to perfectly treat bovine ketosis?

The bovine ketosis can be perfectly treated through:

  1. Hygеnіс treatment

Some of the hygienic measures that should be considered, including:

  • Resting, good ration, good care.

  • Change ration by high roughage gradually To increase the ruminal fermentation and also avoid Ketosis.

  1. Medical Treatment (To overcome low glucose level)

  1. 500-1000ml Dextrose 40% Intravenously for 5-6 days.

  1.  Ca gluconate 250 m I/V + 250ml S/C for 5-6 days.

  1.  Fresh ruminal Juice (1-2 L) by Stomach Tube To overcome ruminal stasis.

  1.  5 mg Cobalt sulfate To activate Flora.

  1. Chloral hydrate  by stomach Tube:

  • 30 gm in 1/2 L water on the first day.

  • 8 gm in 1/2 L water on the second day.

  • 8 gm in 1/2 L water on the third day.

  1.  Support the diseased cow by sodium di- Propionate (50-200gm) 

Finally, bovine ketosis is a serious disease that should be early detected, and perfectly diagnosed to avoid further complications.
